This is a database of USB webcams and cameras. There are 829 cameras in this database. Currently, 463 of these cameras work on Mac OS X. Now 404 of these cameras are supported using the macam driver! Another 18 cameras work with OEM supplied drivers. 43 cameras are supported using the USB Video Class (UVC) built-in driver found in Mac OS X 10.4.3 and later. Please report any additions or changes to this data!
Enzi STEM Facility (General contractor AP Wyoming, Cheyenne; Lewis Street between 10th and 11th streets; scheduled completion May 2015) -- Lewis Street remains closed between 10th and 11th streets. Please note that this project is being managed and administered by the State Construction Office. Structural backfill on site and backfill at foundations is starting and will proceed in areas as foundation work is completed. Placement of underground utilities along with foundation wall forms, steel reinforcing and concrete will continue into June. Steel erection is expected to start in mid-April. Concrete, reinforcing steel and fill material delivery will continue based on requirements to sustain the work in progress. Watch for construction traffic on Lewis, 10th, 11th and Bradley streets. For their safety, pedestrians should make eye contact with equipment operators and delivery drivers outside the fenced area so they are aware of their presence. There will be materials and equipment delivered to site, with resulting heavy truck traffic. Job trailers, storage containers, materials and equipment are on site. The fenced construction area and fenced storage yards along Lewis will be secured construction areas. The storage yard north of Lewis between 11th and 12th, and the storage yard south of Lewis between 12th and 13th, are fenced and slowly filling with materials and office trailers. Watch for materials being moved from storage to the job site. The width of 10th, 11th and Bradley streets around the Enzi STEM Facility site has been reduced to two-way traffic. Vehicles cannot park along 10th and 11th streets. Parking remains on the north of Bradley Street. Utilities will be done in conjunction with planned north campus utility work. For a webcam view, visit
micro innovations webcam driver