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The Secrets of Allen Carr's Success: How He Overcame His Own Smoking Habit and Became a World-Renown


Carr worked closely with and passed responsibility for continuing his work, developing the method to cover as many addictions and issues as possible, to his close friends and long-time collaborators Robin Hayley & John C. Dicey[17] (Chairman & Global CEO of Allen Carr's Easyway respectively). On the insistence of international publishers John C. Dicey reluctantly allows himself to be described as co-author of Allen Carr books but makes it very clear, "I take great pleasure in deflecting any praise for the books (quite rightly so) to Allen Carr. I was extremely lucky to have worked so closely with him since 1998 and was honoured that he asked me to carry on his work".

Allen Carr

It is plausible that the differences in percentages abstainers in the conditions can be attributed to the ACt provided in companies. Moreover, in our view it is less plausible that the large or robust differences can be explained by factors we did not assess. In addition, the expectancy challenge strategy that comprises the main ingredient of the ACt has been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, strongly suggesting that it has potential to induce behavior change. In conclusion, the present study reveals relevant clues that providing smokers with the package of ACt in companies can be an effective smoking cessation strategy, although uncertainties inherent to the quasi-experimental design remain. 2ff7e9595c

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